Which Cranes Are Used In The Automotive Industry?

Cranes used in the automotive industry are relatively different from cranes used in other industries like construction industry. These cranes come in different varieties and are specifically designed to perform functions that require precision and accuracy. However, considering the number of options, it may be difficult to choose the right cranes for the project at hand when dealing with crane for rent companies. We will go through some of the most common cranes used in the automotive industry in detail to help you make the right decision.
Cranes For Die Handling
Cranes for die handling are a critical part of the entire process of manufacturing automotive. Manufacturers around the world use die-handling machines as the manufacturing process cannot be completed without them. Die-handling machines are complex units that are not only designed to lift heavy weights but can also perform extremely tight maneuvers and turns if needed.
These machines perform multiple tasks at a time such as automatically positioning, storing and retrieving dies. Die-handling machines like regular cranes you see out there also come in a variety of sizes and shapes based on the needs and preferences of the manufacturer.
The size of the die-handling machine is usually based on the size of the vehicle that is being manufactured. The machine comes with hooks that help lift the car. As the dying process begins, the die can be handled by employees using the ropes. They can perform different types of maneuvers.
Furthermore, die-handling machines are also loaded with features like anti-snag, anti-sway, etc. These features work together to ensure the processes go as smoothly as possible. Lastly, die-handling machines are not transportable. This means, they are permanently installed in place and are often custom ordered by the manufacturer based on what they intend to manufacture.
Material Flow Cranes To Support Heavy Loads
Material flow cranes are cranes that are designed to install components as the vehicle goes through the assembly line. Material flow cranes differ based on the type of function they perform and the materials they handle. For instance, some material flow cranes install minor parts such as screws and bolts while others can install dashboards and windows.
These machines are extremely precise and accurate. Modern material flow cranes use artificial technology to ensure the best quality and time efficiency. The biggest advantage of using a material flow crane is that it helps work on multiple cars at the same time.
This not only saves the manufacturer a lot of time but also hard labor. However, one thing you need to know is that material flow cranes do not hold the vehicle as in the case of die-handling cranes. The vehicles are mounted on the assembly line, which undergoes a set of procedures.
Material flow cranes are simply a type of robots that perform as the vehicle comes forward. You must have seen the videos over the internet, which is indeed a fascinating process. It is one of the most common cranes in the automotive industry with some manufacturers employing multiple to speed up their manufacturing process.
Light Lifting And Workstation Cranes
The automotive industry and processes not only employ big machines but also lightweight and comparatively smaller machines as well. These cranes are designed to perform the lifting and shifting of components when needed from one location to another.
For instance, some manufacturers have built-in repair shops as well that specialize in repairing accidental vehicles. Because storage areas tend to be huge, workers use cranes to quickly find them and help transport them to the team safe and sound.
Plus, there are other cranes as well that are operated manually to perform relatively simple tasks such as welding. These cranes are also loaded with safety features that help the employee avoid accidents and serious injuries. Manufacturing areas can be physically and mentally draining.
This is why workers can sometimes engage or make mistakes that can be costly. This is why it is better to use lightweight machines to prevent the workers from exposing their body parts. These cranes are provided by crane rental services VA.
Modular Crane Systems
Modular crane systems are a group of cranes that are used for light-lifting. These cranes are employed for various tasks like material flow, lifting materials, and others. These cranes also come in different types and sizes. The best thing about modular cranes is that they can handle extremely complicated tasks with ease.
These cranes can perform a variety of functions simultaneously, saving an ample amount of time and effort. Modern modular crane systems are extremely smart and intelligent. These machines can be used in various ways like they can be attached to the ceiling or they can be employed as a freestanding structure.
Modular cranes can range from small to big depending on the requirements of the facility. Some manufacturers have modular crane systems that can run the entire length of the building. Moreover, modular crane systems also use end effectors or end tooling to perform specialized jobs.
These effectors or end tooling help attach heavy components to another component. For example, installing doors onto a chassis.
Freestanding Workstation Cranes
Freestanding workstation cranes as the term suggests are cranes that cannot be attached or mounted to the walls or ceiling due to some reasons. They are mostly used in areas where the space is limited and a crane can’t be attached to the ceiling. This is why freestanding workstation cranes are mostly found in areas such as where the engine-building process takes place or others.
Moreover, these cranes are not made to handle extremely heavy weights either. In most cases, these cranes are attached to a frame that is installed in the air. This saves space and also makes it easier for the employees to access them.
However, these workstations are confined to an area, away from the main assembly line. Additionally, these cranes also use several tools and attachments to perform different types of minor but important tasks.
Jib Cranes
Jib cranes are handy for lifting and managing items that are in a small area. Depending on the tasks that need to be performed, jib cranes can also be paired with a balancer or chain hoist to assist the process. These cranes can be used for a variety of tasks such as shifting the engine assembly from one area to another and lifting wheel components.
Jib cranes are commonly found as they are lightweight and that’s why used for many purposes in many industries. These cranes use a simple lifting principle that makes it easier to handle and maintain them. Depending on the manufacturer, a jib crane can be made to perform different tasks and the client can also request a custom order as well.
Whether you are out buying or renting a crane, you should define your needs, preferences, and budget. On top of that, cross-compare the different types of cranes to see which works out for you the best. When choosing crane rentals DC, make sure that the company has the necessary certifications. This will ensure the service follows the mandatory safety regulations which will help minimizing risks and accidents.